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   The Eagle Soars - Volume 6, The Book of John, Chapters 8,
    As Interpreted by William Allen LePar

This is the sixth in a series taken from William LePar's lessons on the Book of John. Mr. LePar's spiritual source, The Council, gives it their whole-hearted recommendation, "Some of the information that has come out and will come out will never be out again. Now, do you understand when we say it will never be out again, we mean in the form that it is presented, in those particular words? The truth has always been and always will be. But it is the proper construction or the proper presentation that makes the difference, that makes for the understanding and the acceptance.


"Now, at the risk of sounding egotistical, we would recommend that (Mr. LePar's) Bible class whole-heartedly, because in that then you get what is necessary, and you get it in a very clear picture without the hindrance of man's intellect."


We will begin Chapter Eight with the first 11 verses. We are going to do these 11 verses in two parts. In the first part, we are going to talk about the scribes and Pharisees and their purpose in this famous episode of the adulteress. In the second part, we will discuss the attitude that Jesus had towards this particular sinner and other sinners.

Mr. LePar adds many of his thoughts on this episode and how it became part of the Book of John.

As far as the books that are accredited to John, the two that come under fire constantly by theologians and other church scholars are the Book of John and Revelations. That is because the Synoptic Gospels talk about our humanness and our responsibility by telling us about the life of Christ. When it comes to John, we have left that material world; we have left the humanness. John talks about the higher spirituality of Christ through many of the same stories that the other Gospel writers use, but he does it differently. He brings out the inner workings of Christ, whereas the other three Gospels deal with the outer workings.

In the example of the adulteress, Christ tells her, “Go and show me that you can do better. Prove to me that you can do better.” If He had passed the final condemnation on this person, that would have been the end. What hope would there have been? Instead, He simply told her, “Don’t do it anymore. Change your way of life.” Just because you fall into a pigsty does not mean you have to stay there. You can get out of there. Get a shower. Put on some clean clothes and you will be okay. In essence, what He was doing was giving her a second chance, and in all of Jesus’ teaching, there is always a second chance that He makes available to us.

This book is full of information that everyone can use to grow spiritually.

We, who have worked on this book, and the others in this series that will be published in the future feel that this series will become indispensable for any serious student if they wish to develop a true grasp of John.   (8 1/2" X 11", 89 pages, ring bound, $12.00 postage paid)


​Sample Chapter - Click on book to read.

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