By Don Weisgarber
Our brief journey through this life is not without purpose, though many of us give little thought as to what that purpose might be. There are some, however, who are not content with just passing through but must know a reason why. All of us, seekers and non-seekers alike, are here for a reason; this is not just a random existence, and we have not found ourselves here because of some god’s whim. Even if we never truly come to terms with our being on this earth, never find that ultimate answer, we are always on the look-out for hints as to why.
The stories in this book are samples of those hints. Not hints doled out by someone who has the answer, but little ideas—possibilities—suggested by a fellow seeker. Perhaps someone may find a connection to the little essays contained herein and use them in some small way to understand life. They provide no completion; they are birds that come to the feeder, providing just a glimpse of what all of nature is like. (This book will be available in E-Book format only.)
Sample Chapter -
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